asset compression in tinkerer and sphinx

Asset compression is a major concern for nearly every complex web framework. Interestingly most static page frameworks don’t care about this, cause server response rates are blazing fast so asset compression for css, js and image resources is not worth the effort.

This may be right in most cases, but especially in bad internet countries and even in suburban regions where the internet speed is reduced to dsl 1k and less it’s important to keep package size to a minimum.

In order to reduce server response time and package size i created a simple tinkerer extension, which can also be used for sphinx with slight adjustments. Is simply takes the generated resources and overwrites them with their minified versions

#Author: Lukas Strassel
#Extension for asset compression in tinkerer
#The proposed solution is based on
from slimit import minify
from rcssmin import cssmin

import glob
import os

destPath = os.getcwd()+"/blog/html/_static"     #get path to static files(may be wrong for sphinx)
jsFiles = []            #container for js resources
cssFiles = []           #container for css resources

def minifyCSSProc(srcText):
    return cssmin(srcText, keep_bang_comments=True)

def minifyJSProc(srcText):
    return minify(srcText, mangle=True, mangle_toplevel=True)

def processFiles(minifyProc, sourcePaths):
    for srcFile in sourcePaths:
        with open(srcFile,'r+') as inputFile:           #open file
                srcText =              #read file
                minText = minifyProc(srcText)           #minimize resources
                inputFile.close()                       #close file
                os.remove(destPath+"/"+srcFile)         #remove file

                file = open(destPath+"/"+srcFile, 'w+') #create new file
                file.write(minText)                     #write minimized content
                file.close()                            #close file

def jsMinification(files):
    return processFiles(minifyJSProc, files)

def cssMinification(files):
    return processFiles(minifyCSSProc, files)

def setup(app):
        app.connect("build-finished", asset_compression)#inject after build-finished to modify the generated(not original) resources

def asset_compression(app, exception):
        os.chdir(destPath)                              #change working directory
        jsFiles = glob.glob("*.js")                     #find all js files
        jsFiles.remove("disqus.js")                     #disqus wont't work minimized, cause the function names are used in the layout
        cssFiles = glob.glob("*.css")                   #find all css files
        jsMinification(jsFiles)                         #minify js
        cssMinification(cssFiles)                       #minify css